Get journal line break
If you need to get detailed information about breaks they are avaliable with this funktion. You will need a JournalLineID which are returned from job and time ledger antries.
It will return all breaks for a specific day (journal line)
You just need to pass APIKey and JournalLineID
It will return a dataset with these fields
Field | SQL Type | Comment |
ID | INT | Unique ID for this record |
JournalLineID | INT | |
PauseStart | DATETIME | Like 06-08-2019 12:00 |
Length | DATETIME | like 00:30 |
Paid | BIT | Marked if break is paid |
Relative | BIT | Marked if PauseStart is relative. If it's relative and is 06-08-2019 04:00 it means that the break is after 4 hours of work. |
Automatic | BIT | Marked if break is not manually punched but comes from work calendar setup |
BreakTime | DATETIME | Break time like 00:30 |
BreakTimeDecimal | DECIMAL(18,2) | Break time as decimal like 0,5 hours |
LatitudeStart | FLOAT | GPS coorinate |
LongitudeStart | FLOAT | GPS coorinate |
LatitudeStop | FLOAT | GPS coorinate |
LongitudeStop | FLOAT | GPS coorinate |
Remark | NVARCHAR(MAX) |
Rev 01, Poul Christensen, 06-08-2019
From database version 6.17.22